Teach middle school students foundational programming skills.
Help students develop Android apps via MIT App Inventor.
Teach students how to build their own websites using HTML and CSS.
Create tutorial videos for students with audio/visual issues so that they can learn asynchronously.
Developed a training deck to help volunteers become more inclusive teachers.
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Computing Using Python
Department of Computer Science at Cornell University
Acted as a liaison for mentors involved in Cornell's Academic Excellence Workshops.
Graded assignments and developed grading guides to assist course staff in grading assignments.
Held office hours for students who had additional questions or require help on assignments.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for Introductory Design and Programming for the Web
Department of Information Science at Cornell University
Taught students UX design principles and how to write thorough but concise design journeys.
Led a lab section; guided students through the lab and demonstrated new concepts to the class.
Held office hours for students who had additional questions or require help on assignments.
Graded students' assignments and provide feedback for further improvement.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for Information Ethics, Law and Policy
Department of Information Science/Science & Technology Studies at Cornell University
Led discussion sections and assisted a graduate student in leading discussion.
Created and monitored weekly blog posts about ethical issues in technology.
Helped students write well-organized and articulate policy memos.
Upward Bound Tutor Counselor
Cornell Public Service Center
Prepared first-generation and low-income high school sophomores and juniors for college.
Assisted teachers and students with homework and classwork for academic and elective classes.
Monitored students in a dormitory as a resident advisor to simulate the college living experience.
Toured various colleges with the students and taught them how to network with college representatives and how to ask questions that would best benefit their personal goals.
English/Math/SAT English Teacher
Pinnacle Education Group
Created a curriculum for third and fourth grade students; taught third and fourth grade students English and mathematics; created and graded weekly tests.
Taught creative writing and basic science to grade 3-8 students.
Helped international high school students improve their SAT English score.
Taught test-taking strategies and vocabulary for the SAT Reading/Grammar section.
Science & Technology Entry Program SAT Tutor
Cornell Public Service Center
Helped economically disadvantaged and underrepresented minority students improve their SAT score.
Attended weekly meetings to assess students' progress on material.
Reviewed assigned weekly SAT questions and discussed test-taking strategies.
Teaching Aide
Belle Sherman Elementary School
Fieldwork for EDUC 2410: The Art of Teaching.
Assisted students with their classroom work; supported students who had more difficulty with the material.
Enforced class rules and maintained class discipline.
Teaching Assistant
Chinese Cultural Association of Long Island Chinese School
Maintained class discipline, organized the teacher's paperwork, took atendance and helped students with their classwork and translations.
Communciated often with students' parents and teachers.
Piano Teacher and Mentor
Cornell Piano Society
Taught new students interested in piano; taught students rhythm, note reading, counting, proper form and musicality.
Taught current piano students technique improvement; aided students with difficult passages by teaching practicing techniques and musical expression.